Z. Alexander Brown Uncaged Chardonnay 750ML
Z. Alexander Brown Uncaged Chardonnay 750ML Very nice, smooth, and balanced. Notes of strong oak an pear. Buttery mouthfeel, but finishes with just the right amount of pear and citrus.
Notes of strong oak an pear
All Wines | Handpicked |
Region | |
Sub-Region | California |
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Varietal |
Z. Alexander Brown Uncaged Chardonnay 750ML Very nice, smooth, and balanced. Notes of strong oak an pear. Buttery mouthfeel, but finishes with just the right amount of pear and citrus.
Only 28 Cases Available. Sourced From Grapes That Go Into $30 to $50 Chards
Cabernet Sauvignon
97 JS, 95+ WA
Best Sell Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon
95WA, 97 JS